The Right of Way in a transmission line is defined as land that sets two transmission line center paths.
Right of Way also name as transmission corridor, and this corridor maintains by private or government authorities who do the maintenance works. Safety is one of the essential factors of the transmission line, and ROW provides necessary landscape arrangement.
Several voltage levels of the lines are maintained, and the width of the transmission line corridor (ROW) changes due to the voltage levels.
For example, 132kV transmission line Right of Way shall nearly 30m, which means 15m on either side from the center of 132kV transmission lines.
For higher voltages transmission line, the width or transmission line gets increased to maintain proper safety clearance.
Normally trees that grow higher will cut. For example, trees higher than 3m will cut to maintain proper ROW under the transmission line, and trees or plants can grow below 3m. The condition and clearance height may differ from country to country.
ROW is one of the major considerations while creating a transmission line. Since most of the transmission lines traverse overhead, most of the vegetation effect for transmission line corridor and social and environmental study is necessary while designing transmission lines.
Environmental and social impacts of transmission lines are much less compared to other major developments, but in some cases there transmission line corridors make major impacts in environmentally sensitive areas.
Following are the most commonly used ROW parameters for transmission lines.
ROW width for 132kV transmission line = 27m
ROW width for 220kV transmission line = 35m
ROW width for 400kV transmission line = 53m
ROW width for 765kV transmission line = 85m
However, the maintenance of proper Right of Way (ROW) in Electrical power transmission lines is a significant factor in the transmission lines by considering maintenance and safety factor. Following are some photographs of several ROW in Power transmission lines in different locations.
So I hope you have some idea on what is this Right of Way in Power Transmission Line. If you are partially involved in the transmission line erection process, I hope this information will be useful.