3 Different Transformer Faults You Should Know

By | March 14, 2019

transformer faults

Do you have an idea on different transformer faults conditions applied in power system?

There are three main transformer faults which you need to understand and those are mainly Open circuit Conditions, Overheating Conditions and Winding Short Circuit Conditions. You can find out more information in the bellow part. 

The transformer is one of the most critical electrical equipment in transmission and distribution of electrical power.  The primary purpose of the transformer is to step up and step down the voltage level in the power system. So different kinds of power transformer were available in various capacities.

So the protection of this electrical equipment is vital. Since transformers were enclosed entirely and oil immersed, the chance of getting fault inside the transformer was pretty much less. However, when there is an error occurs inside the transformer the things get into severe conditions. To prevent defects on transformers under the initial stage is really important.

When the transformer gets fault conditions, it is necessary to disconnect that faulty transformer from the system at the first stage. For that, we can use a relevant circuit breaker or isolator in that transformer bay. It is also essential to make necessary, adequate protection measure against the internet or external fault from the transform.

When considering transformer protection the first things which come across our mind are circuit breaker and fuse. The circuit breaker is used in large transformer especially in larger level transformers which located at primary and secondary grid substations. The small transformer which uses for power distribution manly use fuse for protection purpose.

Compare to a small distribution transformer there is more chance to get faults. So apart of circuit breakers and additional protection realty equipment were use to providing necessary protection measure in the large transformer.

Transformer Faults:


Before learning about the protection, you must good understand what kind of faults can occur. There are several transformer faults can happen such as follow:

  1. Open circuit conditions
  2. Overheating Conditions
  3. Winding Short Circuit Conditions

Now we will check out those fault conditions step by step.

Open Circuit Conditions:

The open circuit in the transformer can cause an abnormal heat inside the transformer which can cause abnormal heating inside the transformer which can cause the transform in dangerous conditions.

However, you need to understand the relay protection are not uses to provide security for open circuit conditions. Compare to other fault methods open circuit protection were less significant.

When open circuit conditions or fault occurs, it is essential to disconnect the transformer form the system.

Overheating of the Transformer:

Overheating of transformer fault can mainly cause from two conditions such as overload conditions and short circuit conditions of the Transformer.

Sometimes fault on cooling system can also lead to having overheated in the transformer too.

Like open circuit conditions, real protection is also not much applicable to these fault conditions.

For protection purpose, thermal across is used as an alarm or control the banks of fans.

Winding Short Circuit Conditions:

This fault condition is also known as internal faults, and this kind of errors are mainly occurring due to winding disorientations, overheating of the inner parts of transformers and mechanical injuries.

When there is an internal fault inside the transformer, it is necessary to meditate shut down the transformer before the damage gets high.

So in this fault conditions relay protections are mainly used to identify the faults and shut down the transformer as soon as possible.

So by reading this article, you may get understand several faults conditions which occur inside the transformer.