Using differnty ways to conserve energy is the proper way to reduce the cost for your electricity bill. Nowadays we are much depending on Energy due to so many reasons. You can implement usage of energy by using proper energy efficiency plan to your home.
Most of our household and other appliance is working by use of electricity so we have to consider saving energy and using them by maximum efficiency. In hear I have show some tips and Using differnty ways to conserve energy is the proper way to reduce the cost for your electricity bill. Nowadays we are much depending efficiently.
Top 14 ways to conserve energy
- Use CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) with the energy star label:Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) is very popular energy saving lights. If you are using these CFL light to your home remember only to put CFL Lights which got energy star labels on it
Use LED Lights :Compere to CFL , LED lights got great efficiency and the life time of the LED lights are also high . The main problem of LED lights is , its costlier compare to CFL and other conventional lights.
Turn Off the lights when they not in use: Sometimes we put on the lights and forget to turn off them . This may cause unnecessary losses , so always remember to trun off the lights which are not in use.
Use Iron your full load of clothes in once : Iron your clothes several times takes lots of heating energy. So If you can use to iron all clothes at one time it will definitely save your energy as well as time also.
Wash Full load of cloths by using washing machine.
Minimize your door opening times in your refrigerator.
Its better to use microwave to cook your meals rather than use an oven.
Use Proper BTU rating air conditioner according to your home size.
Select energy efficient products.
Use product which having energy star label on it.
Use solar energy if you able to afford.
Select refrigerator which match in right size for your home.
Use good insulation system for your home to get best performance of your air conditioner.
Its better to use microwave to cook your meals rather than use an oven.
By following above easy methods of energy saving you can get reduce the monthly cost on your electricity bill.
I will plan to post several article on related on energy saving in near future because it is vital in modern world.
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Great information! I came to know a lot of information reading the post. Thanks for sharing the post
Awesome post! Very effective and useful for me. i cannot wait to share it.